Vinton Cerf was born on June 23, 1943 in New Haven, Conneticut. He is now 79 and known as one of "the fathers of the internet.
Vinton Cerf began his education by receiving a bachelors degree in mathemtaics from Standford in 1965. He then worked for IBM before attending UCLA where he received his masters and doctorate in computer science. He won 29 honory degrees from universities around the world.
He had many accomplishments including designing the architecture of the internet and the procedures known as TCP/IP. This allows supercomputers and desktop PCs to share the internet. Vinton Cerf also allowed other networks to evolve. He enabled applications ranging from e-mail, streaming and audio and video to the web.
Elizabeth Feinler was born on March 2, 1931 in Wheeling, West Virginia. She is now 91 and has accomplished great things.
Elizabeth started by receiving her undergraduate from West Liberty State college. While working towards her PhD in biochem from Purdue University, she worked for Chemical Abstracts Service as an assistant editor on a project to index the world's chemical compound.
Elizabeth Feinler is responsible for the current domain system including .com, .gov, .edu and more. She pioneered and managed early networks that were forerunners of today's internet.
Gladys West was born on October 27, 1930 in Sutherland, Virginia. She is now known as an American mathematician and is known for her work of helping develop the GPS.
Gladys West was valedictorian of her high school class. She then received a full scholarship to Virginia State College where she earned a degree in mathematics. She returned after and earned a master’s degree in the math too. After graduating, she also decided to teach mathematics.
Gladys West and her research team created a program that could calculate the orbits of satellites. These calculations led to a model of the Earth being created and GPS,Global Positioning System, possible.